
Why do children like toys

2023-06-26  253

Why do children like toys

1. The gameplay of toys is variable and can arouse the interest of young children

Good toys can stimulate children's desire to play games, serve as textbooks for children's learning, and are also their favorite life companions. The physical and mental development of children is achieved through activities. Toys can be freely manipulated, manipulated, and used by young children, in line with their psychological preferences and ability levels. It can meet their activity needs and enhance their enthusiasm. For example, the "rocking horse" toy allows young children to naturally ride on it and swing back and forth, which not only meets their activity requirements but also generates positive and pleasant emotions, making them never tire of playing for a long time. Another example is the "doll" toy, which can cause young children to engage in various activities. Children of all ages can use dolls to play games based on their own life experiences, which can go from simple to complex and vary greatly.

2. Parents should teach their babies to play with toys correctly

The parents bought a new toy for their baby, but did not first guide the baby to play with the company of the baby, so that the baby can come into contact with the new toy. Only the appearance is novel and beautiful, with a single gameplay, and when the novelty is over, they will abandon it; If you see others playing with toys of the same nature or displaying more functional gameplay, you are attracted, and at this point, you are not interested in your own toys and will want others' toys. It is important to guide or teach your baby to play with toys correctly in order to reduce their dislike for their own toys and always rely on others.

3. Boys and girls prefer different types of toys

Researchers have designed a simple test to observe the preferences of infants aged 3 to 8 months for toys. Babies in this age group are not yet gender conscious and unable to distinguish between their own and others' genders. Researchers placed 17 baby boys and 13 baby girls on car seats, and then placed a small display box in front of them, similar to a puppet theater with a curtain hanging, containing a doll in pink and a blue toy truck. Researchers used eye tracking technology to observe which toy 30 infants had their gaze "locked" on for a longer time, in order to infer which type of toy babies of different genders were more interested in. The test results showed that the baby girl stared at the doll for significantly longer than the toy truck. In contrast, male infants spend more time following blue trucks.

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